A Grave Conjuring Read online

Page 11

  When she got out of the car she reached for the bag of water shoes and popcorn she’d picked up at the discount store. There was an assortment of colors and sizes for anyone who might stop by for a swim.

  When she went into the house it was quiet. “Maya? Ashley?” She set the bag down and smiled seeing that they’d done the dishes and everything was tidy.

  They were in the living room glued to their screens. It wasn’t hard to tell that the cable guy had been out and they were connected. “Earth to Maya! Earth to Ashley, Leah. Hello?”

  They looked up and as one they said “hi” before going back to their screens. But, in that fleeting glance she could tell that something had happened.

  They looked...guilty.


  ASHLEY SET THE LAPTOP ASIDE and went out to the kitchen. Her aunt was pulling the tags off the items she’d bought and looked up when she entered. Ashley wandered over, “These shoes will do the trick.”

  Claire smiled. “Yeah, and they were cheap. What’d you girls do today?”

  Ashley hesitated for a moment picking up a blue pair of shoes and examining them. She tried to keep her voice casual, “Not much. Been surfing the web since the cable got hooked up.”

  With a glance to the doorway Claire’s voice was lower, “So, Leah is staying the night? I don’t mind it’s just that I thought an evening with just us hanging out would be fun. We don’t do it all that much.”

  Ashley shrugged, even though after what had happened earlier in the day she was happy to have Leah there. “Sorry. But we’re just watching a movie anyway.”

  Claire peered at her closely. “Everything all right, Ash? You seem kind of quiet. Were you and Maya arguing?”

  Ashley’s eyes opened wide and the words rushed out. “No. Everything’s fine.” She had to change the subject before she blurted it out. There were still some second thoughts about telling her aunt.

  “I’m thinking of tomorrow when Mason and everyone’s out to work on that raft. I hope the weather holds is all. It’s been nice all week so we’re probably due for rain.”

  “I think we’re going to be good with that. I heard a forecast on the radio on the way home.” Claire’s smile fell. “But I’ll miss the BBQ. Gerry screwed up and I have to cover for him at the model home. I’ll be here most of the day though.”

  “That’s good.” Ashley stammered, “I mean good you’ll be here, not because you have to work in the evening. You’ll miss our bonfire.”

  Her aunt gave her that puzzled look again but before she had a chance to say anything more, Maya and Leah came into the kitchen. Ashley looked at her sister for any sign that her earlier fright was evident. Aunt Claire was sharp and would be sure to pick up on it.

  “Look at all the shoes Aunt Claire bought, Maya! She has enough for an army.” She scooped up a purple pair that looked like Maya’s size. “Try these.”

  Even Leah was giving her weird looks with how animated she was over water shoes. But Aunt Claire was suspicious and this might be a useful distraction. Maya wandered over and took the shoes.

  She tried them on and then looked over at her aunt. “You got my size in my favorite color. Thanks.” Maya’s voice held all the excitement of going to a funeral.

  Ashley scowled at her sister. Maya could at least try to sound more normal.

  Leah must have picked up on her aunt’s questioning look because she piped up, “I hope it’s okay for me to stay tonight. If you want to go get changed or sit and have a glass of wine, I’ll help Ashley get dinner on.” She looked over at Maya. “Why don’t you find a movie on Netflix for tonight?”

  Aunt Claire’s gaze flitted between Leah and Ashley. “Sure. I’ll get a glass and then join Maya. I thought a comedy might be nice.”

  Ashley caught Maya’s eye and gave her a look. When her sister passed by she whispered, “Act normal.”

  Leah had the glass of wine poured and handed it to Aunt Claire. “Here you go!”

  Aunt Claire smiled but it didn’t extend to her eyes. She shot a look at Ashley before following Maya into the living room.

  Leah rushed over as soon as they were gone. “She’s gonna blow this! I know she’s still kind of creeped out but she’s got to keep that to herself. If your aunt finds out, I’m toast.”

  “I know. But what can we do? We’ll just have to trust her to keep quiet.” She looked away for a moment. “I’m pretty sure Aunt Claire wouldn’t say anything to your mom.” From the odd comment that Claire had made about Ruth Mitchell, she wasn’t a big fan. But Leah didn’t have to know that.

  “Pretty sure doesn’t cut it, Ash.” Leah got the casserole out of the fridge and turned the oven on. “Once we’re settled with the movie, things will be fine. It’s getting through dinner that might be tricky.”


  Three hours later with the Melissa McCarthy movie winding down, Ashley glanced over at her aunt. Dinner had been tricky but she’d managed to keep the subject on Claire’s favorite interest, the renovations. Even Maya had perked up after a few kicks to her shins under the table.

  But Aunt Claire had also been kind of quiet, like she was preoccupied or something. When Leah had asked about Lucas, her aunt had changed the subject. It looked like they weren’t the only ones keeping a few secrets.

  When the movie ended, Aunt Claire rose and stretched her arms to the ceiling. She was still grinning from the movie when she looked down at them. “If you want to go on up, I’ll clear up here. I want to take the garbage bag out to the shed and then I’ll lock up.”

  Ashley’s eyes flared wider. The Ouija board was in the big trash can in the shed! She picked up the empty bowl where the popcorn had been and rose to her feet. “I’ll get the trash out, Aunt Claire. You worked today. If you want to go on up, I can look after the lights and lock up.”

  Aunt Claire’s smile fell, replaced by another puzzled look. “You’re sure? You don’t usually do that.”

  Ashley’s eyebrows rose. “I’m fifteen, Aunt Claire. I need to do more around here to help you out.” She walked across the room calling over her shoulder, “Besides, I really don’t mind.”

  Leah was right on her heels. “I’ll keep you company. It’s pitch-black out there.”

  “C’mon Maya! Looks like we’re off the hook.” Her aunt’s voice drifted in from the other room and was soon followed by their footsteps on the stairs.

  Ashley turned to Leah, gripping her arm. “Maybe you should have gone up with Maya. Check her room in case...well you know.”

  Leah’s mouth fell open and she raced after them. “Wait for me! Changed my mind. If there’s a skunk or raccoon out there, Ashley’s on her own.”

  Great. Aunt Claire would surely wonder now. Nice going, Leah.

  Ashley grabbed the bag of trash from under the sink and slipped her cell phone from her pocket. She turned on the flashlight app and then went out the door. There was a reason she never did this chore, especially at night. The light over the door only lit an arc of the driveway and she was soon out of its beam. The sounds of crickets and the rustle of leaves in the trees were the only sound besides the gravel crunching under her feet.

  She pushed the door of the shed open and shone the light down on the floor to see her way. She was about to reach for the lid of the large garbage can but froze.

  Oh my God. The Ouija board was set up on top of the can!

  The planchette was resting on the word “No.”

  Tossing the bag inside, her heart beat fast as she raced back to the house. When she was inside, she flipped the dead bolt and then leaned back against the wooden door. Gulping air, she took the inhaler out and took a deep breath of it. Oh my God! That board had been just sitting there...waiting.

  For her.


  IT TOOK A LONG TIME to catch her breath and calm down enough to lock the other doors. Ashley walked slowly up the stairs. The only sound was her footsteps. No screams from Maya or Leah. No. The horror had been waiting for her, outside in the dark. />
  Her hands rubbed her upper arms when she paused at the top step looking over at her aunt’s bedroom. Aunt Claire was still up from the crease of light showing along the floor under the door. It was so tempting to go in and tell her what had happened.

  She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. No. She’d talk to Leah about it and then decide whether to let her aunt know. But this was seriously creepy. As creepy as finding that damned Ouija board in her drawer. And the planchette resting on the word “No” had been a message—she wasn’t getting rid of it that easily. Damnit! Why hadn’t she burned it that afternoon?

  She hurried down the hall and entered her bedroom. Maya was tucked in on the far side of her bed while Leah was curled up in a sleeping bag on the carpet.

  Leah sat up. “What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a—”

  “Don’t say it!” Ashley looked over at Maya. The poor kid had been through enough of a scare that day. This was going to put her over the edge. She made a decision seeing the fear in her sister’s eyes. “It was dark and creepy out there. I hate the dark and then there’s those animals lurking in the woods.”

  Leah sank down into the cocoon of her bed. “You volunteered. What’d you expect?”

  Ashley had to bite down on the inside of her cheek to keep from lashing out at Leah. This was her fault. And she’s said she’d fixed this mess. Well it was far from being fixed by the looks of it. She pulled the comforter back and got in beside her sister, not even bothering to put her PJs on.

  “Aunt Claire suspects something, doesn’t she?” Maya plumped the pillow under her head and looked over at her.

  “Yes. She’s not stupid. But this is gonna stop tomorrow. I’ve decided to burn that Ouija board. I want to see the ashes and know it’s gone for good.”

  Maya whispered, “We’ll put it in the bonfire. Aunt Claire will be gone and she’ll never know about any of this.” Her eyes fell. “But that girl, Skylar. What are we gonna do about her? We have to go to the fairy circle, Ash. Maybe Mason will drive us so we don’t have to be anywhere near that old woman.”

  Leah strained up on her elbow. “He’s got a truck. There’s not room for all of us. I know what I’m doing with that circle so I’d better go with him.”

  It was the proverbial straw for Ashley. She hissed down at her friend, “He’s got room in the back of it for everyone. But it’ll be me riding shotgun up front, Leah. Not you.”

  Leah reached up and turned the bedside lamp off. “You don’t have to be so pissy about it, Ash.” Her words were followed by a sniff and the sound of her getting comfortable on the floor.

  Pretty soon the sounds of their breathing, slow and regular told Ashley that Maya and Leah were asleep. But sleep would be a long time coming to claim her.


  When she woke the next morning Maya and Leah were gone. She grabbed her cell phone and looked at the time. Ten after ten!

  She threw the covers back and stepped over to the window to peer out. There were some clouds on the horizon but the sun was shining on the water. The weather was good so far for the day they had planned.

  As she walked across the room her chest tightened. That damned Ouija board.

  She’d been so scared that she’d left it sitting on the garbage can. If Aunt Claire went in there to get something she’d find it! Shit! Her eyes narrowed. She wasn’t going to do that alone though. Leah was going to help her hide it till they could toss it in the fire pit.

  When she stepped out of the room, she noticed the bathroom door shut and the hiss of the shower spray. Great. She had to go and someone was hogging the bathroom.

  She clomped down the stairs feeling like she hadn’t slept a wink all night. The only sleep had been filled with bad dreams, and all centered around that blasted board. Aunt Claire was sitting at the table with a coffee, scanning her laptop. She looked up when Ashley entered, “Good morning! I thought you’d be up at the crack of dawn getting dolled up for your company.”

  “I slept like shit.”

  “Language! That’s too bad. You’ll perk up soon.” Aunt Claire went back to her reading.

  “When are they coming out?” Maya put her plate in the sink and turned to Ashley. “I wonder if Henry’s foot is better. I want to go swimming with him and Preston too.”

  “I don’t know. Probably after lunch.” Ashley scowled and looked up at the ceiling. “Great. She’s gonna be in there for hours primping, and I gotta use the bathroom.”

  “Go to the one down here.” Claire gave Ashley a dirty look. “Someone is pretty crabby this morning.”

  “Fine! But I wanted to have a shower too!” Ashley stomped across the room.

  “Did you sleep in your clothes?”

  But Ashley was too pissed to answer her aunt. She went into the bathroom that doubled as a laundry room and went about her business, all the while fuming. She finished up and then when she was washing her hands, she paused. True she had slept like hell but even so, to be this out of sorts was weird.

  It wasn’t even Leah she was angry with. Everyone and everything was straining her last nerve. It was that damned Ouija board. It had to be.

  She took a deep breath and forced a smile going into the kitchen to get something to eat. “You were right about the weather, Aunt Claire. It might rain but not until tonight. Not from the looks of the sky.”

  “Enough time for your—” Claire’s cell phone beeped and her words trailed off as she read the text message. “Shit. This is an out of town client. He’s going to be at the office in an hour.” She closed her laptop and rose to her feet. As she carried the empty mug to the sink she continued, “It’s the second time he wants to see the house on Maple, so I think he’s going to buy it.”

  Ashley stared at her aunt. “So you have to work?” She popped two slices of bread in the toaster and noticed the gleam in her aunt’s eyes. She always got fired up when she sold a house.

  “Sorry. But it pays the mortgage.” Aunt Claire walked across the kitchen and paused in the doorway. “I gotta get changed. The hamburger is thawed, and all you have to do is make patties. You’ll be fine. Just save me one, will ya?”

  Ashley had to smile at her. When she was excited like this she looked like a teenager, more like an older sister than her aunt. Her long hair pulled up into a ponytail and the yoga pants ending at her knees with the oversized T-shirt helped with that as well.

  Leah passed her on the stairs and then came into the kitchen. “So your aunt has to work, huh?” She opened the fridge and took out the jug of milk pouring a glass. “You sure slept in. I thought you were never going to get out of bed.”

  Ashley couldn’t resist. “I thought you’d never finish in the shower!” It came out more harshly than she’d intended.

  Maya shot her a look and then said, “I’m going to play some MineCraft. Let me know when you need my help getting the food ready.” She left, heading across the hall to the living room.

  Ashley stepped over to Leah and grasped her arm. “You won’t believe what happened last night!”

  Leah’s eyes popped. “What?”

  “That damned board was set up on top of the garbage can when I went outside! The reader was on “No” like it was telling me we can’t get rid of it! I almost had a heart attack! I didn’t want to tell you with Maya listening.”

  Leah’s mouth had fallen open as Ashley talked. She closed it and swallowed hard. “Oh shit. This is not good.” Her step faltered, and she placed her other hand on Ashley’s arm. “Oh boy.”

  “You’re telling me! I meant it Leah when I said I’m gonna burn it.” Ashley glared at her friend. “Don’t say anything to Maya. She’s scared enough. But after Aunt Claire goes, you’ve gotta do that cleansing thing again, even though I’m not sure how much it will help.”

  “I think you’re right about burning it.” Leah looked down at the floor and her eyes narrowed. “I’ve got to post this to the group. Maybe I missed something in the cleansing ritual. This shouldn’t have happened.�

  “Do what you have to do.” Ashley shook her head in frustration. “We have to hide that stupid board in case Maya or Claire go in the shed and see it. I’m not touching it though. I’ve had it with that thing.”

  “Okay. I’ll do it.” Leah pulled the stone of the necklace she wore out and her fingers closed over it. “I’ve got this to protect me at least. “

  Ashley pulled at Leah’s fingers. “What is that?”

  “Tourmaline. It’s supposed to keep evil spirits away.”

  “Well, maybe it’s working. You didn’t see a ghost like Maya did. And twice I found that creepy board moved from where I’d left it.” She led the way across the kitchen and out the door. “You’re definitely the one who’s gonna move it.”

  She looked over her shoulder making sure that Claire nor Maya wasn’t following before she darted across the driveway and opened the door of the shed. Her hand flew to her neck, and she almost fell stumbling backward.

  “What?” Leah stepped past her and looked in the shed.

  “It’s gone again.” The hair on her arms spiked high.

  “You’re sure it was there last night?”

  “Yeah. I swear it was even set up!” Her heart raced and it was hard to breathe, let alone get those words out.

  Leah gripped Ashley’s shoulders giving her a shake. “Maybe your aunt took it. She was up before us. She could have went in the shed and found it. Maybe she threw it back in the can.”

  Ashley could feel her chest tighten even more. She grabbed her inhaler and then after a long puff, she looked at her friend. “You check the can if you like but I’m not. Leah, this thing is evil. It’s not in there. God only knows where it’s going to show up next.”

  Leah crept into the shed and lifted the lid from the trash can. She poked around, moving a few small kitchen bags and then covered it again. When she turned she had paled and her eyes were wide. “It’s not there. You’re right.”