A Grave Conjuring Read online

Page 3

  Leah followed Ashley from the room. “You guys won’t be laughing tonight when we contact the spirit world. But yeah, for now I’d like to get this work done and jump in the lake.”

  Ten minutes later with the drone of the vacuum filling the upstairs, Ashley paused from scrubbing the bathroom sink. She turned to Leah who was on her knees bent over and wiping down the bathtub. “You know Maya had a fight with Mom the night my parents were killed, don’t you?”

  Leah’s lower lip extended blowing a stray lock of dirty-blond hair from her nose. “Yeah. You told me. The poor kid. I can’t imagine how awful she must feel about that.”

  Ashley nodded but inside she was replaying that horrible night for like the hundredth time. “Yeah. You know I don’t believe in any of this. But if you were to kind of direct that planchette thing like it was my mom forgiving Maya and telling her she was loved, it wouldn’t be a bad thing for her to see.”

  Leah sat back on her haunches and sighed. “That won’t be necessary, but I get your point, Ashley. If you had read even half as much about this stuff as I have, you’d see. There are so many in this group I belong to...people who’ve had seriously spooky things, messages, and signs that have happened to them, that you can’t dismiss it. I’m sure some of it is BS but not for the bulk of it, not from what people have written.”

  “Leah...” Oh no. She was off on a tangent that would be hard to stop. She looked into Leah’s eyes and felt her body sink lower. Now she was gonna talk about pyramids, crystals, and all that other crap. She’d heard it all before but that wouldn’t stop Leah.

  Leah leaned closer and even though the vacuum was still buzzing keeping Maya busy, her voice was lower, “Just keep an open mind, will ya? It won’t help having a skeptic like you present when we do this. If you won’t do it for me, then do it for your sister. Okay?”

  Ashley had dodged a bullet, just barely. She shrugged. “Sure. I’ll try. For Maya.”

  She didn’t want to admit it, but a kernel of hope niggled in her gut that maybe this thing would work. “How’d you find this group, Leah?”

  Leah laughed. “Are you serious? There’s a Facebook group for everything! There are people from Europe, Australia, practically everywhere, but mostly it’s the U.S. I’ll send you an invite to join if you want.”

  “No. I’m good.” Ashley continued with cleaning the vanity. “So, your mom is freaked out about this?”

  “Totally. She quoted chapter and verse from the Bible about consorting with demons.” Leah paused for a moment. “But from what I’ve learned she isn’t totally out to lunch on that. There’s a protocol with these boards. You always, always say “goodbye” when you end a session. Apparently you leave a portal open if you don’t do that. Not all spirits on the other side are nice. Some are demonic.”

  “Riiight.” Ashley dismissed Leah’s words, standing up and looking around. The air smelled like pine from the cleaning solution and everything shone from their efforts. She set the rags in the bucket and then smiled at Leah. “Aunt Claire has her hands full with the downstairs. I think I’ll make her bed and try to get her room organized.”

  “I’ll help you. And then let’s get changed. I can’t get in that lake fast enough.”

  Leah pulled the door open wider and then slipped out just as Maya turned the vacuum off. The stillness of the house hit her like a hammer. No cars outside or people chatting as they strolled by on the sidewalk.

  They really were in the middle of nowhere.


  “YOU GUYS ARE FINISHED? I think you gave me the hardest job.” Maya pulled a face and then dragged the vacuum down the hall to their aunt’s room. Looking around, she sighed, “Are you kidding? I can’t do this room until the boxes are gone.”

  Ashley stepped by her, entering Claire’s bedroom. “Help us sort things out and make a path at least.”

  Leah was busy tearing the lid from the first box she found. She held up a white photo album with a picture of a pair of lovebirds holding a pink ribbon in their beaks—the ends forming a heart. “Your aunt’s wedding pictures?”

  Ashley’s brow furrowed. In the two years they’d been with Claire, she’d never seen this album. As far as she knew, Claire and Jake had eloped and got married in Las Vegas. There were actually pictures that she’d squirreled away?

  She took the book from Leah and leafed through it while Leah and Maya were like vultures peering over her shoulder at the photos. The first one was of the two of them together, Claire in a pale blue satin dress that was a perfect complement to the upsweep of strawberry- blond hair. Her eyes were laughing and bright as she snuggled close to Jake.

  Leah leaned so close she could feel her breath on her shoulder. “Wow. He’s hot. Look at those eyes. Whatever happened that they broke up? He’s so much better looking than Lucas.”

  Ashley gazed at the picture, remembering a visit with her aunt and Jake one Fourth of July weekend. He’d been fun, always joking around and as a couple they’d seemed so good together. He’d bought Ashley and Maya ice cream and taken them on the ferris wheel at the amusement park set up for the holiday. Her aunt and Jake had lived six hours away and didn’t get to town often, so the visit had been memorable.

  Maya’s finger dawdled on one of the wedding photos as she spoke. “Yeah, he was so much nicer than Lucas. I swear that guy hates us. Sometimes I catch him looking at us when Aunt Claire is in the other room. It’s like he resents the fact that we’re here.” Maya looked up at her sister for confirmation.

  Ashley’s eyebrows rose but she held her tongue. She’d gotten the same vibe from Lucas, but it wouldn’t do to encourage Maya in this train of thought. So far, Claire had resisted his attempts to move in together. She’d overheard her aunt one night telling Lucas she needed her own space for a while.

  She shut the book and then set it on Claire’s dresser. “We probably shouldn’t be looking at these photos. I mean she never brought the album out so maybe there’s private stuff in there.”

  Leah laughed and made a leap to grab the book. “All the more reason to look! Maybe there’s ‘honeymoon’ candid shots if you know what I mean.”

  Ashley grabbed her arm before she could get it.

  Leah shook her head. “I’m kidding. You’re right. If she wanted us to see them, she’d show us. But that ex is gorgeous.”

  “I wish she were still with him.” Maya set about unpacking the rest of the box. She tossed a set of sheets and pillowcases onto the bed. “Let’s get this over with and get outside.”

  Forty minutes later they were changed into their bathing suits, with towels draped over their arms, clomping down the stairs. Ashley stopped at the kitchen door and saw their aunt wringing out a cloth and setting it over the tap. The scent of ammonia mingled with the tangy smell of pine from all her hard work. “We’re pretty well done upstairs. You coming swimming with us?”

  “Absolutely! You three go ahead and I’ll be out in a few minutes to join you.” Aunt Claire dried her hands on a towel and then looked around at the kitchen. “I can see us spending most of our time in here. I love a big country kitchen, don’t you?”

  Ashley looked around trying to imagine how it might look with updated cabinets and new flooring. Yeah. It could be nice. “You did a good job in here. And if I know you, it’ll be like something out of a decorating magazine by the time you’re finished. It’s nice.” For the first time, she actually felt like she meant it.

  “Thanks. I really hope you like it. It’s going to be home for you for a few more years. At least until you go off to college. I know it’s off the beaten track, but next year you’ll have your driver’s license and it won’t seem so remote.” Claire’s hand rested on the counter as she stood looking at them. For a moment there was sadness in her eyes as well as love. “We’re a team, girls. Unbeatable.”

  Maya walked down the short hall calling over her shoulder, “Come on! Last one in’s a rotten egg!”

  “Wade in! Stay off that dock, Maya!” Claire sprinted for
ward but the only thing to see was the screen door banging shut and a flash of Maya racing to the water.

  Ashley grinned. “I’ll keep an eye on her. Don’t worry.”

  Leah was the next one flying through the door with Ashley on her heels. She tossed the towel onto the grass and was stepping into the cool water when a shout behind her made her turn.

  “Leah! Ashley!”

  She shielded her eyes from the glare of the sun and peered at the two boys leaning their bikes against the tree at the side of the drive. It was Leah’s younger brother, Preston and his friend, Henry. What the hell?

  “Does Mom know you’re here?” Leah stood in the water up to her waist glaring at Preston. She shot a look at Ashley and muttered, “He’s only here because of Maya.”

  Ashley smiled and looked out to where her sister was floating on her back oblivious to everything. Poor Preston. He had it bad for Maya, but Henry was the one Maya liked. A total smart-ass “cut from the same cloth” as her mother used to say.

  Preston waved his hand over his head. “She kn...knows!”

  That was another thing in Henry’s favor. Preston had been to speech therapists but none seemed able to fix his stutter.

  Henry made a leer. “Why, Leah? You want to spend some time just with meee?”

  Leah scoffed. “In your dreams, junior.” She took a swing at him.

  With an evil cackle, he skittered out of range and down to the lake. Henry peeled his shirt off and ran past Ashley. He was also taller than Preston and there was always a smirky grin on his face. “Hey Mayan! How’s the water?” But he didn’t wait for her answer, racing in up to his thighs and then swimming like an eel.

  “Wa...wait for muh...me!” Preston’s shirt flew through the air and he toed his sneakers off. He made his way across the grass, his tender feet jerking high with every step. To make matters worse, when he spoke half the time his voice modulated between the deeper teenage one to an adolescent squeak.

  “That Henry’s such a jerk, always with the wiseass cracks.” Leah folded her arms. “Except for Preston. He’s never, not once, ever made fun of Preston’s speech impediment.” She snorted. “He’s still a jerk though.”

  Ashley laughed sneaking a look at Leah. “So much for peace and quiet with these two.” She walked in farther feeling the sandy bottom squishing between her toes. The water was cool on her skin, while above the July sun baked her shoulders. She sank down and joined Leah, swimming out to join Maya and the boys.

  When the screen door banged shut, she turned and saw her aunt walking across the yard. She had pulled her hair up into a ponytail and with the dark sunglasses and tankini she could have passed for their older sister.

  “Hey guys!” She flashed a smile and tossed the glasses and towel onto the grass. “How’s the water?” She peered out past the dock watching Maya and the guys.

  “Great! You know what you need Ms. Vincent? A raft! We could help you make one.” Henry flashed a smile watching Claire.

  Claire waded in, looking at the dock where Ashley had gone through. “First of all, it’s Claire. ‘Ms. Vincent’ was my mother. And if you guys want to take that project on, I’ll buy the wood and barrels. Knock yourself out.”

  Ashley caught up to Preston who was waiting for a chance to speak to Maya, watching her try to duck Henry under the water. “Hey Preston. I’m glad you guys came out for a swim. How long did it take you to ride out?”

  Preston turned his round face to look at her. He had the same complexion as Leah, kind of pale with a smattering of freckles across his nose and the same gray eyes. Even his hair was the same shade of dishwater blond falling over his forehead into his eyes. “Twe...twenty meh...minutes. Nuh...not too bad.”

  “Yeah. That’s not too bad. But it’s kind of downhill, right? I’m sure it’ll take me and Maya longer to go into town.” She tread water and tried to ignore Maya laughing at something Henry said.

  Aunt Claire swam past them, calling over her shoulder to Preston, “You guys are welcome to stay for dinner if you’d like. That’s if you clear it with your parents.”

  Even though it seemed like Henry and Maya were clowning around in a world of their own, Maya chimed in, “Yeah! Why don’t you and Preston stay? We could even build a campfire and toast marshmallows.” She flashed a smile at Preston. “It only took you twenty minutes to ride out. It doesn’t get dark till almost nine.”

  It was Leah who answered, “I’m not sure Mom would want you riding back in the evening. You’d better check with her, Pres.”

  Henry spoke, “No problem with a ride back! My brother is off work at seven. He can come pick us up and put our bikes in the back of the truck. He won’t mind.”

  Leah’s head tipped to the side. “Your brother? Is he back in town? I thought he was living with your dad in Wilmington.”

  Ashley’s ears perked up too. Henry’s brother, Mason, had been the heartthrob of Saranac High before he left a year ago to try living with his father. Her gaze darted to Leah, both of them on the same page. Mason Sherwood was back! And he might be coming out later to pick up his brother. Yowza.

  “He wanted to come back for the summer. And when he got the job at the gas station it sealed the deal.” Henry bobbed under and when he came up he shot a jet of water from his cheeks at Maya.

  “Hey! Duh...Don’t do th...that!” Preston pushed through the water and his hands gripped Henry’s shoulders, dunking him. He glanced over at Maya and his cheeks flushed. “He’s dis...disgusting sometimes.”

  He barely got the words out when he disappeared under the surface and Henry’s head bobbed high. Maya laughed and then dove under.

  Leah sighed. “They’re such jerks. Honestly.” She smiled at Ashley, both of them doing a lazy crawl swimming out to join Claire. “I’m glad I brought makeup. I almost didn’t. Mason Sherwood. Maybe we can talk him into staying for a while.”

  Ashley snickered. “Roasting marshmallows, right?”

  “Something like that.”


  ASHLEY AND LEAH TREADED WATER when they reached Claire who was stretched out floating lazily. The others were closer to shore, still having noisy fun trying to elude each other in some kind of dive and dunk game.

  Claire’s head rose and she smiled at Ashley. “I guess I’d better go in and try to catch Carol before she comes out. Pizza isn’t going to cut it with these guys staying for dinner.”

  “Maybe ask her to pick up some hotdogs.” Ashley looked over to where her sister let out a sharp yelp before disappearing under the water. “We thought we could have campfire. That’s okay right?”

  Her aunt nodded. “Sure. If you guys want to gather some rocks and set that up, it’s fine by me. Just don’t put it too close to the house.” She started back for shore in an easy side stroke. “Actually, I’d better pick the spot. I’ll set a lawn chair where I think you should build it. Then I’ll call Carol. How’s that?”

  Leah answered for both of them, “That’s great! Thanks for asking my brother and Henry for dinner. That was nice of you.”

  Claire’s smile went wider. “Nice for you girls too! I heard that a certain someone is back in town to give the guys a lift home. That wouldn’t have anything to do with the sudden interest in a campfire, would it?”

  Ashley felt her cheeks grow hotter but she grinned. “Busted. Aunt Claire, even you have to admit he’s cute.”

  Leah flicked some water droplets at her. “Cute! That’s like saying the Biebs is just a...well, you know what I mean. Come to think of it, Mason kind of looks like Justin Bieber.”

  “Whatever.” Claire laughed, swimming harder to get to shore.

  Leah looked over at Ashley. “You just about done with swimming? I know I am.”

  Ashley’s eyes twinkled. “You need time to dry and style your hair, put makeup on and do your nails. I get it.”

  Leah splashed more water at Ashley and laughed. “Look who’s talking!” She pushed herself forward scissoring her legs. “Race ya!”

ut Ashley wasn’t even going to try. She swam over to where Maya was. “You guys want to make a fire pit? You can use some of the rocks on the shore.”

  Preston was the first to answer, “Shu...sure! C’mon Henry. It wuh...won’t take lah...long if we all duh...do it.” He flashed a smile at Maya and then started swimming to the shore.

  “C’mon Mayan. Let’s go!” Henry dipped under and when he surfaced he was alongside Preston.

  Ashley couldn’t help herself. “Yeah Mayan. Hop to it.”

  Maya rolled her eyes and took off after the two boys.

  Ashley took her time swimming in to shore. She gazed at the rust-colored brick of the house and the tall pines with sweeping boughs bordering it like sentinels. It actually was very pretty when you saw it from the lake. Even the forests bordering the property with a backdrop of high hills in the distance was picturesque like a postcard.

  On the edge of the lake, Maya and her friends hopped from rock to rock bantering as they picked rocks while Leah stood next to the lawn chair drying her hair with the towel. The house may be out of the way but not so far that their friends couldn’t visit. Having them there the first day might be a harbinger of good days ahead. The move was turning out way better than her first impression.

  Her feet touched bottom and she stood up, squeezing water from the long locks of her hair. She wandered over to Leah just as the other three arrived carrying round stones.

  Maya looked over at Henry. “Guess what we found in the attic earlier.”

  Ashley shot a look at Leah. Shit. Maya was going to blab about the Ouija board in front of Preston. Leah would catch hell for sure if he told their mother. “Maya!” She signaled with her eyes for Maya to stop, her gaze flitting to Preston.

  But Henry didn’t catch it as he was positioning a rock. “What? A dead body? Some bats? What did you find?”

  Maya had picked up on the message and she mumbled, “Just some old toys in a trunk. Not that fascinating really.”